Salt-tower ships multiple renderers to ease working with complex pillars and organizaing data.
The Yamlet renderer is a supercharged YAML renderer that supports including additional files, template or binary files, in a safe and easy manner.
This can help with
shipping configuration files or snippet, license blobs, private files such as TLS keys, securely from the pillar to minions,
sharing templates on the master to ship ready to use config files to minions,
organize and share pillar data between minions,
working with complex setups, such as multiple customers and brands,
writing simpler states by just dropping config files blobs instead of thousand lines of JINJA macros.
The filter renderer returns a subset of its data matching grains or pillar keys. This eases organizing data and reusing datasets for multiple minions, roles or any common pillar file.
The text renderer is a renderer mostly needed in conjunction with the Yamlet renderer when loading and including templates.