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Salt Tower needs to be installed on the salt master to be available as an ext_pillar module.

The recommended installation methods are either via salts gitfs backend or with Pythons package manager pip.

Salt GitFS

This method utilizes salts gitfs backend to directly load the tower module and renderers from this git repository. Ensure to follow the gitfs setup guide.

Add the following to you salt master configuration, e.g. /etc/salt/master.d/tower.conf. It is recommended to pin to a specific version or commit, to avoid unexpected updates and because you need to sync all modules after any change.

      - base: v1.7.0

You need to sync all salt modules after installation and any upgrade:

$ salt-run saltutil.sync_all
    - pillar.tower
    - renderers.filter
    - renderers.text
    - renderers.yamlet

This will make all modules (e.g. renderers) available to all minions too.


All content from this repository will be "loaded" into your states tree, including any files from e.g. test/, examples/, docs/ or the root directory.

PIP Python Package

Salt Tower can be installed via the pip Python package manager too:

$ pip install salt-tower

This will install Salt Tower as a Python package on the system, which is loaded by the salt processes.


The tower modules (e.g. renderers) will only be available on the salt master or minion where the salt-tower package is installed. They are not automatically synced to any minion.